Certified Next Level Coach
Our signature 12-week advanced coaching curriculum. An ideal curriculum for those who seek to be either a life or business coach. Small group training includes role-playing, curriculum study, and business development.

Training Dates
All certification training takes place in Austin, Texas. Training hours are 9am – 5pm.
- September 23 – 27, 2019
- December 2 – 6, 2019
a coaching career offers you the impact and income you've been seeking
Next Level Coach training is a 5-day intensive certification week. Our training is conducted in a small group setting so that our coaching candidates are offered the maximum opportunity to role-play sessions, workshop their business marketing plan, and receive the personal attention you deserve when embarking on this journey.
Our training focuses on 2-parts: 1) Next Level Curriculum and 2) the business of coaching.
In addition to receiving a certification, you also get a coaching curriculum to use with your clients and training that will help you get your coaching business off the ground.
the curriculum
Next Level Coaching is a 12-week advanced coaching curriculum that has been designed to help your clients become the best version of themselves. This program is for those who seek to become a life or business coach as the curriculum is accomodating to both paths.
At the Institute for Human Progress and Development, we believe in taking a holistic approach to our client’s personal and professional development.
Our sessions are structured around a specific, research-based topic so that we can survey every aspect of the client’s life and determine opportunities for growth. Certified Next Level Coach Training focuses on our proprietary program curriculum topics, which include:
- Clarity & Purpose
- Productivity
- Psychology
- Money Mindset
- Mindfulness
- Skill Development
- Physiology
- Leverage
- Connection
- Identity
- Ambition
- Legacy
- Setting up your business
- Messaging
- The role of the coach
- Coaching deliverables
- Packaging your services
- Pricing
- Content delivery planning
- Tools of the trade
- Lead generating
- Strategy session
- Client conversion techniques
- Creating value and alignment
Our coaches training will give you the skills to:
- Coach from a research-based curriculum to help your client breakthrough to their next level
- Structure your coaching business and use the latest technology for efficiency and profitability – the business of your coaching program
- Create group coaching programs to enhance your 1-1 coaching experience or create hands-off, recurring revenue
- Market your coaching business to find more high-paying clients
- Create webinars to convert potential clients into paying clients
- Leverage your network for strategic partnerships
- Weaponize your social media to connect with existing and potential clients
Certified Next Level Coaches will receive with their training tuition:
- 5 days of live training with Chad Peevy, author of the program and founder of the Institute for Human Progress and Development
- Monthly webinar for one year of ongoing, skill-based training
- 12 session outlines including the questions to ask, points to teach, worksheets, follow-up email scripts, and tools and resources for each session
- Access to the online course for Certified Next Level Coaches
- 10 tickets to Next Level Discovery – our annual live event for coaches and their clients
How long is training?
Training is a 5-day intensive, workshop style environment.
Where is training?
Training takes place in Austin, Texas. Coaching applicants are responsible for their own travel and lodging. Our team is happy to assist with recommendations.
What do I leave training with?
At the end of your 5-days of training you will receive a certification that recognizes you as having completed the Next Level Coach Training. Additionally, you will leave with your coaches workbooks (more than 200 pages of session guides, client worksheets, and business development exercises). You will also receive access to the online training modules with advanced training lessons.
How long am i certified?
Your initial certification is valid for 1-year. At the end of that year, you will have the option of renewing your certification at a discounted rate. Renewal of certification requires continuing education through IHPD (details can be found in the coaches agreement).
What do we do during training?
Training will consist of some lecture style teaching but the majority of your time will be spent role-playing as both coach and client. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to workshop your marketing messaging and execution plan with other coaching candidates.
How much does this cost?
5-days of training, your coaching workbook, access to the online modules, and 1-year of continuing education opportunities with Chad is included in your tuition payment of $5,000.
There is no revenue share of royalties beyond your initial tuition payment. Your business is entirely your own.